
    Saudi Arabia is one of the G20 fastest growing countries, 
    embracing a very dynamic and vibrant technology sector. 
    The launch of Alat will catalyze this sector and help develop 
    advanced industrials and electronics, with sustainability at 
    its core.

    Alat is enabling Saudi Arabia’s industrial transformation, making the country a global hub for Electronics & Advanced Industrials.

    Launched in 2024 by His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Alat is committed to delivering sustainable industrial solutions that rely on clean energy sources. Its services are helping to meet the needs of future industrial sectors while supporting Saudi Arabia’s ambition to achieve net zero by 2060.

    Through nine Business Units, Alat specializes in manufacturing Semiconductors, Smart Devices, Smart Buildings, Smart Appliances, Smart Health, Advanced Industrials, Next Gen Infrastructure, Electrification and AI Infrastructure. Its services are contributing to reshaping the Kingdom’s economy and creating thousands of local jobs.


    Raising the level of manufacturing through tech-driven innovation powered by clean energy.

    Enabling the private sector, by enhancing opportunities and strategic partnerships.

    Contributing to reaching net zero by 2060.

    Enhancing and developing the tech sector.

    Fostering innovation, research and development and localizing expertise.



    Direct jobs added by Alat in the Kingdom by 2030


    Alat’s direct contribution to non-oil GDP by 2030