

    King Salman Energy Park is a cutting-edge development in Eastern Saudi Arabia, designed to be an industrial hub that connects the world to opportunities in the Saudi energy sector and beyond.

    Inaugurated in 2018 by His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, the King Salman Energy Park (SPARK) is a world-class hub for the region's energy sector, providing a full range of solutions to support businesses in Saudi Arabia.

    When completed, the city will diversify the Kingdom's revenue streams and promote the adoption of clean energy technologies. The site will include a dedicated logistics zone and dry port, which will help facilitate the efficient movement of goods in and out of the park.

    SPARK is committed to clean and sustainable energy production. It is the first and only industrial city in the world to receive a silver Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification – a prestigious recognition of its environmentally-friendly practices.

    Explore how Vision 2030 is advancing the diversification of the Kingdom's energy sources.


    Diversify sources of revenue

    Support new sectors that contribute to the energy transition & industry digitalization

    Improve security & cost within critical energy supply chains

    Sub Projects

    Industrial Community

    Non industrial community

    logistics zone


    50 km²

    In Project area

    8 Million

    Metric tons of freight handled in dry port area annually


    direct & indirect jobs by 2035

    $6 Billion

    Annual contribution to GDP BY 2035
